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Asphalt Fundamentals

Construction (16)

Welcome to the Construction course. This course provides an overview the construction activities associated with HMA paving. This includes the five major construction-related activities: surface preparation, HMA production, transport, placement, and compaction.
  • Overview
  • Surface Preparation
  • Surface Preparation
  • Subgrade Preparation for New Pavements
  • Increasing Subgrade Support
  • Subgrade Elevation
  • Prime Coats
  • Other Subgrade Preparation Practices
  • Existing Surface Preparation for Overlays
  • Repair
  • Tack Coats
  • Leveling
  • Table 1
  • Video 1
  • HMA Overlays on Rigid Pavement
  • Production
  • Production overview
  • Batch Plants
  • Drum Plants
  • Transport
  • Transport Overview
  • Truck Types
  • Video 2
  • Video 3
  • Truck Transport Considerations
  • Placement
  • Placement Overview
  • Placement Considerations
  • Asphalt Paver
  • Factors Affecting Mat Thickness and Smoothness
  • Automatic Screed Control
  • Material Transfer Vehicles (MTVs)
  • Video 4
  • Video 5
  • Compaction
  • Compaction overview
  • Compaction Measurement and Reporting
  • Factors Affecting Compaction
  • Table 2
  • A Note on the Time Available for Compaction
  • Compaction Equipment
  • Steel Wheel Rollers
  • Video 6
  • Pneumatic Tire Rollers
  • Video 7
  • Compaction Sequence
  • Summary
  • (Quiz) Construction
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever